Interpretation is the art of establishing oral communication between two or more speakers who do not share the same language code. We, at Neno Language Services, provide three types of interpreting services, namely simultaneous, consecutive and whispered (so-called chuchotage) interpretation.

What is simultaneous interpreting?

In simultaneous interpretation, interpreting occurs in real time with the speaker’s speech. Normally at least in pairs, simultaneous interpreters work in a sound-proof cabin so that their voices do not interfere with the speaker’s voice. In this context, the sender (speaker) normally delivers his or her speech without pausing for the interpretation while the receivers (listeners) of the speech not sharing the same code (language) with the speaker, receive the message (interpretation) through a channel (interpreter and his/her audio devices) almost in real time with respect to the speaker’s speech. The interpreter’s main task lies in directly delivering the sender’s message in first person mode, that is to say as if it is the sender actually speaking to the receivers, in the most conceptually faithful manner possible. It is advisable to utilise simultaneous interpretation in the presence of a linguistically heterogeneous audience, i.e. made up of receivers of more than one language code with respect to he speaker or speakers. Furthermore, simultaneous interpretation enables saving time considering the almost concurrent delivery of the message from the sender to the receiver.

What is consecutive interpreting?

Contrary to simultaneous interpreting, in consecutive interpretation interpreting begins only after the speaker takes a break from his/her speech. In other words, the sender (speaker) speaks for a short period of time before pausing to leave room for the interpreter to deliver the message to the receiver (listener) in the desired code (language) and in first person mode.   The interpreter’s main task lies in directly delivering the sender’s message in first person mode, that is to say as if it is the sender actually speaking to the receivers, in the most conceptually faithful manner possible. It is advisable to use consecutive interpretation in the presence of a linguistically homogeneous audience with respect to the speaker or speakers or when there are not more than two languages to be interpreted). Compared to simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting doubles the execution times given the considerable lag time between the speaker and the interpreter given that they basically have to speak one at a time.

What is whispered (chuchotage) interpreting?

Whispered interpreting, or chuchotage (from French “chuchoter”, i.e. “to whisper”, is a variant of simultaneous interpreting. In this case, the interpreter positions himself/herself next to or in the middle of one or more listeners to whom he/she delivers (whispers) the speaker’s message in real time. Whereas whispered interpreting is more cost-effective than simultaneous interpreting due to the fact that it does not require technological equipment, it loses its effectiveness as the number of receivers increase. As a matter fact, it is advisable for just small groups of listeners, three at most.


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